The NCFIC Boldly Speaks Out Against Reformed Country-Western: A Parody with a Point

Caveat Lector, Culture, Music, Worship

Note: This will just be a weird, weird post if you haven’t been following the recent comments made by a discussion panel of men associated with the NCFIC about Reformed Rap.  Information on that can be found here, here, here, and here  [Update 12/3/13 Scott Brown has issued an apology which can be read here][Update 12/11/13 I can’t keep up with the updates to this story.  Go read The Confessing Baptist]. The below “transcript” is a parody with my modifications to Brent Hobbs’ notes in bold.  If you read and watch all that, this parody might seem less weird to you.  But I can’t guarantee it.


I applaud the recent bold stance taken by the NCFIC against the growing popularity of a certain so-called “musical form” in the church.  For too long, we have looked the other way as Reformed country-western has gained steam.  Look around.  Our young men have hats with ridiculously large brims pulled down low over their eyes, their headphones in, slowing strumming the air as though they were out riding the countryside looking for stray steer.  Country-western “music” cannot be disassociated with the culture from which it originated- a culture rampant with the abuse of alcohol and spouses, where the jeans are too tight and every one is cryptically told to “cowboy up”- whatever that means.  The crooners of this so-called “art form” think they are serving God.  They’re not.  What these cowards don’t know is the hand which picks up the Bible must first lay down the lasso.

Here is the transcript from the recent comments:

At the recent Worship of God conference, attendees were encouraged to prepare questions for the concluding time of Q&A. One of the questions we received was: “Any thoughts on reformed country-western artists? … Their musical styles would be considered offensive to some, but the doctrine within the songs is sound.”

Speaker #1:

I would be very against reformed country-western music. Let me tell you why. Words aren’t enough. God cares about how we deliver the message. And there’s two aspects of the delivery. The purpose of songs is to instruct. It’s also to praise God, it’s also to worship. But it’s to instruct and to admonish. We’re given the words because we’re a word-based religion, the emphasis needs to be on the words. And just having good words is not enough. The question is where is the emphasis. And I would argue with the country-western music, with the annoying twang, with those things that the physical distraction is so much that the focus is no longer on the words. And music should be about helping us to remember concepts that we need to remember. And help us to carry forward. Music is a wonderful tool as a memory aid. Country-western’s not that good for that because of the other problem with country-western. The problem with any other form of music is who’s the attention drawn to. And country-western is about drawing attention to the crooner, drawing attention to how his guitar strumm’n is different than anybody else’s strumm’n. To how he is a special person… [Story about M. L. Jones about a preacher with an unimpressive delivery who brings great glory to God.] that’s what all preaching needs to be. It needs to move the attention away from you and towards God. Otherwise it’s about you. And my problem with reformed country-western music is I think in the end it’s always about the crooner, even if the words are correct.

Speaker #2

Music is a medium of communication and God cares not just what we say but he cares how we say it. That’s the function of music. And if we truly believe in the sufficiency and authority of Scripture, I believe the Scripture should govern not just what we say – in other words not just the content – because I’ll agree, I’ve read a lot of the lyrics of the reformed country music and some of them are much more doctrinally dense than some of our songs. That’s true. However if we truly believe in the sufficiency and authority of Scripture, Scripture will govern not just what we say but it will also govern how we say it. So the question I always want to ask is (because remember Scripture is given to us in literary art forms: narrative, poetry, these sorts of things, parable, and those should govern our art forms as well). And so I want to ask with anything with country-western, with any form of music: does it compare? Are we allowing the art forms, the way truth is communicated in Scripture to also govern our art forms. When it comes the art form of country-western music, very few will disagree with the cultural milieu out of which it grew. What it was intended to express by those who created the art form. The only defense I’ve heard by country-western singers of why they want to use this form is they say, “Well we want to redeem the form of country-western music.” But when I read Scripture, whenever there’s redemption there’s change. There’s fundamental change. So I’m all about redemption of musical forms, but if we were if we truly redeem certain musical forms to express God’s holy truth that will mean that those forms will change to actually be appropriate vehicles for the communication of God’s truth as is expressed in the very Word of God itself.

Speaker #3

Yes, amen to that. “Do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” And what concerns me about this this so-called “art form” – it’s a picture of weakness and surrender on the part of people who think they’re serving God. And they’re not. They’re serving their own flesh. They’re caving into the rodeo. They are there disobedient cowards. They’re not really willing to engage in the fight that needs to be engaged. Scott, thank you for saying that. If we are reformers we are going to change and fully redeem and replace the rodeo. We’re not going to make ourselves friends of the rodeo and enemies of God. And so this is what concerns me about anytime Christians, in a cowardly way, follow the rodeo instead of changing it and confronting it. And confronting the antithesis. And we need be doing this in every possible art from – including film, including other kinds of music. And so, Scott, just to summarize: Reformed country-western is the cowardly following of the world instead of confronting and changing it.

Speaker #4

I don’t have much I add, I agree with everything that’s been said. Just maybe add one thought. If my children, with their upbringing were to start to embrace this – I would use all these arguments, with intensity that they’ve been spoken. When someone comes to me, who comes from a culture that’s raised that way, had no Christian background, and first hears this kind of country-western and listens to the lyrics and gets really interested in Christianity – first thing I don’t challenge them on is the form of the music. I to try to take them in, disciple them, and break this in slowly to them. I wait until they are sleeping to swipe their boots and shave off that ridiculous mustache and sideburns.  So let’s have a little compassion for people who, for whom they related to this culture – which we don’t really relate to at all probably – and work with them. And get them to this point where they understand these things. But that doesn’t happen a day. That’s only thing I would add to it.

Speaker #5

I’m gonna get sucked off the stage with the gasping happens with what I say here. I’m probably the only panelist who’s ever had Garth Brooks on my iPod. Yeah. They want to know who Garth Brooks is. We’ll tell you after the panel. So here’s what here’s what drove it home for me: A few months ago I saw picture of Garth Brooks. Vintage Garth: tight jeans, ready to sing, and but he’s 50 now. Wasn’t 50, you know, when he became cool. And he’s starting to have wrinkles on his face. OK, so he’s 50-year-old man with wrinkles on his face – got those tight jeans, and he’s ready to sing. And what didn’t seem unseemly when he was a young man just looks really out of place in the pictures now. So the question is: 50-year-old men in the church – is their job to extend a hand down in the Church and to pull them up into Christian manhood? You don’t see the discontinuity so strikingly until they start getting wrinkles. It’s our job to reach down to our young men, offer them a hand and pull them up in maturity and Christian manhood. That is not doing that.

Speaker #6

I don’t think any of us are saying that in the worship of God there’s only a certain kind of music that should be sung – like we should only sing rap music in church. Or we should only sing classical music, etc. But I think what we are all saying is that some forms of music cannot be separated from the culture out of which they come. That’s an important thing to bear in mind. When we have young men or women the church let’s say the young men start wearing boots and a “cowboy up” t-shirt. I say, “What’s the purpose of the boots? The lasso?” And they’ll say, “Well I just like it.” or “I think it’s nice,” or “it’s the fashion,” and I say, “Do you know why it is the fashion? Do you know who you’re identifying with when you wear these spurs? You’re not identifying yourself with the godly men in the church but with an entirely different culture out there. And same thing with certain forms of music.

I don’t want to be controversial or unloving, Brother Cash, but I believe country-western is the death rattle in the throat of the dying culture. And I think also that we must not use music in the worship of God where the words get lost in the twang. And all people hear is the twang. Now that doesn’t just mean rock-and-roll, that means some songs, you know, that you can cow-daddy shuffle to. That people remember an old tune or identify that particular beat or rhythm or kind of music with something in their past and so, even though they might be singing the right words the connotation is something entirely different. And I think that the music that we use in the worship of course all the words must be true. We must sing our hymns to God, they must be about God, and anything we say about ourselves in the hymns must be with reference to God.

And I think the music by which we sing must fit the majesty of the words, and the dignity of the words, and that there be edification and instruction as well as praise in the words. For instance: music where everything is just repetitious, the guy loses his wife and truck and dog and goes drinking over and over and over and over again and people call it various things, and it may move them emotionally, but that kind of music is so depressing – I think it’s also disrespectful to God, it doesn’t reveal any kind of real knowledge of God.

So music as all of us know is a very sensitive thing. There’s certain kinds of music I like and certain kinds I don’t like. We use a great hymnal in our church, but some of the tunes are funeral dirges and I don’t like singing funeral dirges in church. You remember what it says the Old Testament? The purpose of music is to raise sounds of joy. That is to help us in our joyful praise of God. You must always ask yourself, particularly you young people who listen to music a great deal on your iPods and all the rest: What does this music do to me? How is it making me feel? Is it making me feel anxious? Bitter? Upset? Lustful? Ready for a rootin’ tootin’ round up?  How is this music making me feel? And the same thing I think we should ask when we’re worshipping God: Is the music enhancing and strengthening the words that we’re singing, to the glory of God? Or is it basically the twang that we’re after?

-End transcript-

Prophetic words, no?  What about you?  How does this music make you feel?  Does the guy strumm’n the guitar and crooning enhance and strengthen the words you’re singing?  Or is basically the twang that you’re after?  Coward.

P.S.- does this parody seem ridiculous?  Full of holes?  Only half the story?  That my friends, is exactly the point.

(By: Nicolas Alford)

19 thoughts on “The NCFIC Boldly Speaks Out Against Reformed Country-Western: A Parody with a Point

  1. Solid parody there.

    “Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised (and not listen to reformed country-western else you show yourself to be a disobedient coward), and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment”

  2. This is sanctified hilarity. I wonder if we calvinists give due personal consideration to the myriad of ways total depravity oozes out of every crevice of our being as illustrated by the myopic answers by the panel of leaders to reformed rap. This myopia closes doors to people, cultural realities, generational realities, outreach possibilities, and a lot more in much the same way that separatist fundamentalists did in the early to mid 20th century.
    Another illustration that parallels this myopia is the lack of cross cultural outreach in much of reformed christianity in this country. Where efforts are taken by reformed outreach, they are too often plagued by such bumbling incompetence that failure is just seen as confirmation of what many just secretly wanted all along.

    1. Of all the genres you could have used for this you had to pick one that is native to 4 of the 5 Confessing Baptist guys… interesting… I got my eye on you Alford… I got my eye on you… <__> … <_<

      haha kidding of course, true story… 2 of the hymns I did yesterday had a very country-western feel to them (at least the way I played them on guitar) so this post really gave me a sanctified belly laugh, especially the part, "What these cowards don’t know is the hand which picks up the Bible must first lay down the lasso." 😀

          1. You insult the Man in Black to me and we’ll have words, I don’t care how Special you think your Forces training is, Army Ranger. Note well the lack of an emoticon and tremble.

  3. Jason, I will put my country-western cred spur to spur with any hombre that cares to step. My Grandpa was a cowboy, I have a shirt with bullet casings for buttons, and I once played the harmonica covering Johnny Cash with my wife and brother at a wedding.

    That genre was picked both because it was mentioned in the conversation, and also because it so illustrates the cultural bias and blind spots on display in the NCFIC clip.

    What were the hymns? I was at a church for a while some years back that would also do that occasionally.

  4. haha nice… the hymns were To God Be the Glory (great things He has done, and Gracious and Compassionate, which is one a former member wrote that is a couple of verses from a Psalm… .it was just me on guitar and some chord progressions I can’t help but give it a country style 😀 at least folk-country to be more precise

  5. I agree. I interacted with Scott online once, and although we didn’t totally agree he was very consistent, fair, and charitable. Also, I think there is a key distinction between music used in congregational worship, and music simply used to express biblical truth by an individual artist. The problem with the panel wasn’t so much that they hold a certain view on hip hop, but that they (for the most part) were so smug and dismissive in presenting very weak and underdeveloped arguments. Plus the few parts where the rhetoric went off the rails caused the general reaction to rightly follow suit.

      1. Jason, I have no idea what Waldron and Pollard bump in the stereo, but I certainly hope they wouldn’t have joined in the conversation in the way it went down. I do think it is important we who have reacted negatively to the NCFIC panel not make appreciation of hip-hop some sort of test as to whether or not someone is racially sensitive enough or cares about the reconciliation of people groups under the banner of the gospel. Others have argued against the use of hip-hop by Christians and while I don’t agree with their arguments, they were made humbly and proportionately.

        1. “It is pretty well known–at least I have made no secret of it–that I enjoy Shai Linne’s doctrinally solid raps. I have played them for college students in college classes with a good conscience and with gladness that they present the Christian religion in a different and contemporary cultural form. I think that as an art form and performance this may give them a helpfulness that other art forms and performance styles may not possess for today’s generation.

          I certainly do not agree with many of the things the panelists said. . . . ”

          – Dr. Waldron via

          Now just to figure out what Pollard bumps in his stereo 😀

  6. As a brief clarification to a few of my statements in this comment thread, I did find the racial undertones of the comments to be enormously disturbing, and agree with most of the strong online reaction that has occurred. My parody is not intended to make light of the whole episode, but rather to use a literary device to point out some of those very cultural and racial biases I saw on display in the panel.

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